
We are delighted with the latest installation in our school – although it is something we hope we never have to use. It is located in the main school corridor at the yard door. Many thanks to the DAA for their funding which enabled the purchase of this equipment.

Green Schools Week

Well done to everyone at Nicholas of Myra who took part in our Green Schools Week.  We were delighted to see so many pupils walking, cycling, scooting, or Park ‘n’ Striding to school.

We were thrilled to see the number of children walking increasing day by day. A huge congrats to fifth class who had the most children using green ways to get to school.

Throughout the week every class took part in activities in keeping with our Travel Theme including learning about road safety, advantages and disadvantages of the different modes of travel, investigating air pollution, and much much more.

Well done to everyone for supporting our Green-Schools work to help keep our environment clean and green! We are looking forward to seeing everyone taking part in our WOW days Walk on Wednesday for the rest of the year.

Raising our Green Flag!

St Nicholas of Myra worked very hard to achieve our 3rd green flag ( the water flag), whilst also maintaining the previous two flags of Litter/Waste and Energy. A wonderful achievement for all.

To end the week on a high we were delighted to have St Nicholas of Myra’s Famous Green Family (the Yeboah family) raise our Green Flag. The Yeboah family starred in the RTE show ‘What planet are you on?’ where families take on the challenge to change the way they live in order to reduce their carbon footprint and their impact on the environment. Annabelle in 3rd class and George in Senior Infants along with their parents had to make improvements inside and outside of their home in the areas of water, waste, energy, and food. With lots of hard work and determination, the Yeboah famliy won the competition. We are extremely proud of their achievements and they are an inspiration to our school.

Stay Green keep the air clean,

Green school Committee 

And we have lift-off!

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We want it to be as user friendly as possible, so if you can’t locate something or have any suggestions, please let us know by email.